Making Your 3-D Object


As you assemble your 3-D object by cutting out the net, you might be puzzling over how to make a good base that looks like a regular polygon (especially if you chose to use a base with more than 4 sides).  A protractor is your friend here.  You have learned earlier in the year how to calculate a single interior angle of a regular polygon, so put that knowledge to use and find the measure of one interior angle of your base.

Make sure to use a material that is more sturdy than paper for your physical object.  Please attempt to make the spike as sturdy as possible.  How else will I be able to impale next year's students upon the door?  Just kidding, but do make it stable so it can stand the test of time!

If you're not making a cone, then all of your lines should be drawn with a straight edge.  If you are making a cone, getting a good looking net can be a little difficult.  You can use the first way here to make the spike without spending too much time on the perfect net.

For inspiration, here's one of the top impalers of all time*:
*edited for appropriateness, original credit to Jake Likes Onions