Homework Check #3


With homework check number 3 looming large in the future, I wanted to offer some advice for making sure that you have provided enough work.

The logic chapter can prove difficult to show work for, so below you can find some hints about what I will be looking for.

  • In general - if a problem asks you to determine if something is true or false, you should justify your answer.  This means providing an example or reason if it is true and providing a counter-example if it is false.  You should always attempt to do this, even if the instructions in the book do not ask you to.
  • If you are using inductive reasoning to predict the next term, you should describe the rule you are using.  This can be done algebraically or with a sentence.
  • Make sure to read the directions carefully and do all of the parts to a question.
  • I tend to model the work I expect to see when we do examples in class, so if you have taken good notes, you can look back for a reference of what I am expecting to see.
  • Here's a weird fact - a conditional statement is only false if the hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false.  Check out #21 in assignment 12. 
Keep in mind that I am interested in seeing you support your answers, so I try to pick problems that have more work involved in them than just what is shown in the back of the book.