Counting Methods and Probability Project


Counting Methods and Probability Project

Ø  This project can be done individually or with a partner.

Ø  For this topic’s project, you will be designing your own game that would typically be played at a carnival or amusement park.  IT CANNOT BE A GAME THAT ALREADY EXISTS!  You must be able to explain the probability of your game, so don’t go crazy and make it too complicated J

Ø  The project should include the following:

Game: Include all game boards, pieces, cards, balls, etc.  The game must involve probability.  Rolling a die and/or drawing a card from a deck cannot be the sole example of probability in your game.  It cannot be a skill game (if practice would improve your outcome, it is a skill game, like darts).

Write-up (all typed):
Overview – Briefly explain the type of game, the cost to play, and the prizes/awards.
Instructions – Clearly explain your game.  Instructions must be easy to follow so that anyone can quickly read them and begin playing your game.
Probability Analysis – Use expected value to show if your game is fair.  Provide the value of the prizes of the game.  If your game is not fair, explain the profit of the “house.”

Running of the game (for those that are present on game day) – Invite students to come play your game, manage your game table area, and answer any questions the players may have.

Scenario Analysis (for those that are absent on game day) – Type up a description of 3 scenarios (one where you lose, one where you win, and one where you break even) and analyze those different scenarios.

There are a few checkpoints for this project.
  • Wednesday, May 24th - You must have decided on your game by the end of class.  You must clear your game with me.  Send me an email detailing your game (include instructions).  Be prepared to make adjustments to your game.
  • Friday, May 26th - You must have completed your probability calculations and submitted them to me by the end of class.
  • Friday, June 2nd - Carnivale Day!  You must have (and run) a project, complete with display, materials, and prizes.  During this day, we will play your game and you will get a chance to play the games your classmates designed!