Keeping Score by Hand


Today, we will be taking notes on keeping score at a baseball game by hand.  Take a look at the scorecards we will be using!  I will give you a physical copy on Friday when we get to the game.  Open up this tutorial.  You will need to take notes on how to fill out a scorecard so that you will have a quick reference guide while you are at the game.  There is a lot of information here, so don't write it down verbatim!  You should gist the main ideas and make sure you have an explanation of all symbols you will be using.  Part of your grade for the sabermetrics project will involve how accurately your scorecard is filled out.

Since I am not there today, we will be doing our quiz corrections tomorrow in class.  We will be attending the game on Friday so our test over Counting Methods & Probability will be on Monday.  The sabermetrics project will be distributed on Friday with the scorecard, but it won't be due until Tuesday at the end of the period.